Selhurst S&C Remodelling

Selhurst S&C Remodelling

The contract formed part of the MAFA 3 package of works – South East Trains Lengthening Programme (SETLP) which was required to deliver enhancements to the existing network to facilitate longer trains.

The S&C remodelling was located on one of the busiest commuter routes in London at Selhurst Station on the Victoria and Brighton Line. The work was completed during 3 no. 52 hour possessions.

The scope included:

  • Removal and plain lining of existing DV15 crossover
  • Installation of modular DV15 crossover using Kirow 1200 rail crane and tilting wagons
  • Renewal of 400m of track including 3rd rail
  • Welding and stressing
  • Design, installation, maintenance and removal of TSR’s