Hollow Steel Sleepers

We manufacture and supply a wide range of shallow depth (165mm deep) and full depth (200mm deep) hollow steel sleepers for the conveyance of cables and services under the track.

Our range of sleepers accommodates vertical and inclined vignole rails and 95RBH bullhead rails. We can accommodate varying rail sections and track gauges, adapting the sleepers to our customer’s specifications.

Benefits of our sleepers include:-

  • Depths are equivalent to concrete sleepers
  • Sleepers have removable covers and baseplates/saddle plates to ensure an easy retrofit, avoiding the need to cut cables.
  • Sleepers reduce the risk of damaging cables whilst tamping
  • Sleepers are insulated from the running rails to ensure that track circuits are maintained

Network Rail Catalogue Numbers as follows:-

PA05/02066 (Wallasey) Cat No. PA05/04632 (Hetton) Cat No. Full Depth or Shallow Depth Rail Type Clip Type Track Gauge (mm)
057/068684/001 057/068723 Shallow Depth 56E1 Fastclip 1435
057/068684/002 057/068723 Shallow Depth 60E2 Fastclip 1438
057/068684/003 057/068724 Shallow Depth 56E1 E-Clip 1435
057/068684/004 057/068724 Shallow Depth 56E1 E-Clip 1432
057/068684/005 057/068725 Shallow Depth 56E1 E-Clip 1432
057/068684/006 057/068726 Shallow Depth 95RBH Wedge 1435
057/068684/007 057/068718 Full Depth 56E1 Fastclip 1435
057/068684/008 057/068718 Full Depth 60E2 Fastclip 1438
057/068684/009 057/068719 Full Depth 56E1 E-Clip 1435
057/068684/010 057/068719 Full Depth 56E1 E-Clip 1432
057/068684/011 057/068721 Full Depth 56E1 E-Clip 1432
057/068684/012 057/068722 Full Depth 95RBH Wedge 1435