Established in the 1820’s, Trackwork’s foundry is assured to BS EN ISO 9001 and produces high quality, high integrity castings for the engineering, construction and heritage/architectural markets in the UK and world-wide.
We cast grey iron, ductile (Spheroidal Graphite) iron, high wear and austenitic irons to produce components for the rail, power generation, oil and gas, mining/materials processing and gas turbine industries.
We have specifically designed our melting capabilities to offer excellent metallurgical flexibility and rapid casting turnarounds to all of our customers. The Company operates two 3 tonne induction melting furnaces with a dual capacity of 12 tonnes per day across all metal grades (predominantly cast iron and ductile iron). We also operate a 600kg aluminium and alloy furnace to meet our increased aluminium melting requirements.
Our iron foundry specialises in the production of castings from 1kg-3 tonnes and our commitment to continual improvement and quality gives all our customers the highest standard of service without concession.
Our in-house pattern making department manages over 100,000 existing patterns. New patterns can be manufactured from drawings, photographs, 3D models or from a concept. All design elements are handled in-house, enabling us to meet our customers’ tight deadlines.